Title of project: Earthquake Hazard Associated to the Vrancea Region Seismicity
Reference number of grant: ENVIRLG 93206
Period of performance: 1995 to 1997
Project Coordinator: Prof. G. Panza (Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, University of Trieste, Italy)
Principal Investigator: Dr. I. Kuznetsov
The principal objective was to obtain a better understanding of the structure and dynamics within the lithosphere of the Circum-Pannonian seismic belt, which is the outstanding tectonic features crossing most of central European countries. Our investigations of the structure and dynamics of the lithosphere in this region was based upon laboratory investigations and theoretical computations of the rupturing process in rocks. We modeled waveforms generated by complex seismic sources in laterally inhomogeneous media by means of high-frequency approximations.