Papers in national journals - Year 2002
Aoudia,A., A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, G.Chimera, A.Pontevivo, and G.F.Panza., Coexisting Contraction-extension Consistent with Buoyancy of the Crust und Upper Mantle in North-Central Italy. September 2002, Trieste: Abdus Salam ICTP Preprint IC/2002/102, ??? pp.
Aptekman,J.Y., S.S.Arefiev, O.D.Voevoda, and O.O.Erteleva, Seismotectonic movement in the epicentral zone of 1991 Racha earthquake. I. Local displacements. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 278-292 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Bakhtin,Yu.Yu. Existence and uniqueness of a stationary solution of a nonlinear stochastic differential equation with memory. Theory of Probabilities and Its Applications, 2002, 47, 4: 764-769 (in Russian).
Bessonova,E.N., E.L.Reznikov, and A.M.Il’in, Performance of the Ritz method in the problem of spheroidal oscillations for layered Earth model. II. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 75-88 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Bukchin,B.G., A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, A.V.Lander, D.V.Rundquist, P.O.Sobolev, and A.A.Soloviev, Chapter 2 Dynamics of the Earth lithosphere and seismicity. In N.P.Laverov (ed.) Catastrophic Processes and Their Impact on Natural Environment. Vol. 2. Seismicity. Moscow, 2002: 119-218 (in Russian).
De Natale,G., I.Kuznetzov, T.Kronrod, A.Peresan, A.Saraò, C.Troise, G.F.Panza, Three Decades of Seismic Activities at Mt. Vesuvius: 1972-1999. June 2002, Trieste: Abdus Salam ICTP Preprint IC/2002/45, 39 pp.
Gorshkov,A.I., T.L.Kronrod, I.V.Kuznetsov, G.M.Molchan, V.F.Pisarenko, and M.G.Shnirman, Chapter 3 Earthquake prediction and seismic risk. In N.P.Laverov (ed.) Catastrophic Processes and Their Impact on Natural Environment. Vol. 2. Seismicity. Moscow, 2002: 219-318 (in Russian).
Gorshkov,A.I., E.P.Piotrovskaya, and E.Ya.Rantsman, Recognition of earthquake-prone areas. XXX. Turkmen-Khorasan mountains, M ≥ 6.5. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 129-140 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Korotky,A.I., I.A.Tsepelev, Ismail-Zadeh,A.T., and B.M.Naimark, Three-dimensional modeling of Rayleigh-Taylor instability inverse problem. In Proceedings of UrGU. Series: Mathematics and Mechanics (Iss. 4), 2002, 22: ??? (in Russian).
Kuznetsov,A.N. On the spectrum of Rayleigh operator. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 29-44 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Kuznetsov,I.V., I.M.Rotwain, N.M.Kolesnikova, and I.V.Lomovskoy, Estimation of the control parameters and forecasting of the behavior of cellular fault models. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 245-266 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Kuznetsov,I.V., I.M.Rotwain, N.M.Kolesnikova, and I.V.Lomovskoy, Estimation of the parameters of cellular automata models. In New Advances in Synenergetics. A View to the Third Millenium. Moscow, Nauka, 2002: ??? (in Russian).
Malinetskii,G.G., I.G.Medvedev, V.I.Maevskii, V.I.Osipov, M.Ch.Zalikhanov, K.V.Frolov, N.A.Makhutov, D.S.L'vov, V.K.Levashov, N.M.Rimashevskaya, I.V.Kuznetsov, V.V.Kul'ba, A.V.Gusev, N.A.Mitin, Yu.L.Vorobiev, M.I.Faleev, Crises in Present-day Russia and a System of Scientific Monitoring. Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002, Preprint 56, 28 pp. (in Russian).
Markushevich,V.M., E.N.Bessonova, and S.G.Kiselev, Solution of the wave-guide problem for oblique sounding with a pulse source along a magnetic latitude. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 89-74 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Markushevich,V.M., and S.G.Kiselev, Layered model reconstruction by surface wave modes: from Love to Rayleigh. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 3-28 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Molchan,G. Linear problems for fractional Brownian motion: A group approach. Theory of Probabilities and Its Applications, 2002, 47, 1: 59-70 (in Russian).
Molchan,G.M. Mandelbrot cascade measures independent of branching parameter. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 207-219 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Molchan,G.M., and T.L.Kronrod, Space comparison of macroseismic intensity and peak value of acceleration. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 108-128 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Novikova,O.V., P.N.Shebalin, and V.I.Keilis-Borok, A second approximation to intermediate-term earthquake prediction: two case histories for the southeastern Mediterranean. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 186-206 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Panza,G.F., A.Peresan, and V.Kossobokov, La previsione dei terremoti a medio termine spazio-temporale. 21mo SECOLO Scienza e Tecnologia, 2002, 13, 2: 20-25.
Romashkova,L.L., and V.G.Kossobokov, Spatially stable application of M8 algorithm: Italy and California. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 162-185 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Rotwain,I.M., N.M.Kolesnikova, I.V.Lomovskoy, and I.V.Kuznetsov, One type of sand-pile model behavior: periodicity and its influence on magnitude-frequency diagram. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 220-244 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Rundquist,D.V., and P.O.Sobolev, Main evolutionary trends of the Earth’s crust transformation in Europe. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2002, 387A, 9: 1003-1006.
Shapoval,A.V., and M.G.Shnirman, Scenarios of large events in the sand-pile model. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 267-277 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Sobolev,P.O., and Yu.M.Erinchek, Implication of the principle isostasy for study of the crustal structure of Russia. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2002, 382, 1: 112-116.
Voevoda,O.D. About equations of Earth motions. II. The average stress and the energy balance. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 293-310 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33, in Russian).
Zaliapin,I., Z.Liu, G.Zöller, V.Keilis-Borok, and D.Turcotte, On increase of earthquake correlation length prior to large earthquakes in California. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems of Theoretical Seismology and Seismicity. Moscow, GEOS, 2002: 141-161 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 33).
Zheligovsky,V.A., and O.M.Podvigina, A model for the dynamics of tectonic blocks incorporating fluid migration through a fault system. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2002, 38, 12: 995-1005.