Papers in national journals - Year 1993
Celebi,M., A.Gorshkov, M.Filimonov, Application of Pattern Recognition Method to Estimate Ground Motions in San Francisco Peninsula, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-398, 1993, 43 pp.
Golubeva,T.V., M.B.Geilikman, and V.F.Pisarenko, Self-similar fractal properties of seismicity. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Mathematical Modeling of Seismotectonic Processes in the Lithosphere for Earthquake Prediction Research. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 24-31 (in Russian).
Gorshkov,A.I. Application of the results of recognition of earthquake prone-areas to seismic zonation purposes (on the example of the Caucasus). In V.Ulomov (ed.), Seismicity and seismic zoning of Northern Eurasia. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 207-216 (in Russian).
Keilis-Borok,V.I., I.M.Rotwain, and P.N.Shebalin, The spatial distribution of low magnitude seismicity in the preparation regions of large earthquakes. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Mathematical Modeling of Seismotectonic Processes in the Lithosphere for Earthquake Prediction Research. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 46-52 (in Russian).
Khokhlov,A.V., and V.G.Kossobokov, Continuous seismic process. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Mathematical Modeling of Seismotectonic Processes in the Lithosphere for Earthquake Prediction Research. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 42-45 (in Russian).
Kiselev,S.G., and V.M.Markushevich, On separation of variables for Rayleigh-like vibrations of the layered media. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1993, 332, 3: 297-300 (in Russian).
Kossobokov,V.G., and A.V.Khokhlov, A real-time intermediate-term experimental earthquake prediction: A test of the M8 algorithm. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Mathematical Modeling of Seismotectonic Processes in the Lithosphere for Earthquake Prediction Research. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 53-60 (in Russian).
Lander,A.V., B.G.Bukchin, D.V.Droznin, and A.V.Kiryushin, The tectonic setting and source parameters of the Khailino, Koryakia earthquake of March 8, 1991 in relation to the existence of a present-day Beringia plate. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Mathematical Modeling of Seismotectonic Processes in the Lithosphere for Earthquake Prediction Research. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 74-88 (in Russian).
Lobkovsky,L.I., A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, B.M.Naimark, A.M.Nikishin, and S.Cloetingh, Mechanism of crust subsidence and sedimentary basin formation, Transactions/Doklady of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1993, 330, 2: 256-260.
Lyubushin,A.A., Jr., and V.F.Pisarenko, Investigation of seismic regime by means of linear model of intensity of interacting point processes. Fizika Zemli, 1993, 12: 81-87 (in Russian).
Molchan,G.M., T.L.Kronrod, and V.M.Podgaetskaya, Estimation and comparison of parameters of the recurrence law. I. Basic knowledge. In V.Ulomov (ed.), Seismicity and seismic zoning of Northern Eurasia. Vol.1. Moscow, 1993: 57-61 (in Russian).
Panza,G.F., A.G.Prozorov, and G.Pazzi, Areas of tectonic shortening in the Italian region are marked by high frequency seismic sources. Acta Geod. Geoph. Mont. Hung., 1993, 28, 1-2: 289-298
Pisarenko,V.F. Estimation of the largest possible earthquake. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1993, 328, 2: 168-170 (in Russian).
Pisarenko,V.F. Regime data processing and prediction of future states of medium and catastrophes. In Developing of Monitoring of Natural and Technical Systems, Vol.1. Moscow: Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS, 1993: 132-142 (in Russian).
Primakov,I.M., I.M.Rotwain, and M.G.Shnirman, Energy dissipation in a model consisting of movable disks. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Mathematical Modeling of Seismotectonic Processes in the Lithosphere for Earthquake Prediction Research. Vol.1, Moscow, 1993: 32-41 (in Russian).