Papers in national journals - Year 1994
Bhatia,S.G., M.N.Rao, T.R.K.Chetty, E.Ya.Rantsman, A.I.Gorshkov, M.B.Filimonov, and N.V.Shtock, Recognition of earthquake-prone areas. XIX. The Himalaya, M ³ 7.0. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems of geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1994: 280-287 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 27, in Russian).
Gabrielov A., V.Kossobokov, and A.Soloviev, Numerical simulation of block structure dynamics. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Seismicity and Related Processes in the Environment. Vol.1. Moscow: Research and Coordinating Centre for Seismology and Engineering, 1994: 22-32.
Gertzik,V.M. Foreshocks and aftershocks in a modified Burridge-Knopoff model. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Seismicity and Related Processes in the Environment. Vol.1. Moscow: Research and Coordinating Centre for Seismology and Engineering, 1994: 5-8.
Gertsik,V.M. Mechanik properties of a model solid body in the activation theory. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 58-66 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Gerver,M.L. Rational approximants, stable polynomials and fiberings in the search for the widest waveguide. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 176-201 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Girardin,N., and I.M.Rotwain, Diagnosis of the times of increased probability for earthquakes with M ³ 5.5 in the lesser Antilles arc. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 9-15 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Gregori,D., and T.Kronrod, Catalogo de parametros sismicos para Argentina. Ciencias, 1994, 3, 5, San Juan: 45-58 (in Spanish).
Gregori,D., and T.Kronrod, Modelo de isosistas en Argentina. Ciencias, 1994, 3, 5, San Juan: 59-76 (in Spanish).
Ismail-Zadeh,A.T., and S.L.Kostyuchenko, Tectonic subsidence analysis and possible mechanism of the Timan-Pechora basin formation, Prospecting and Preservation of Mineral Resources / Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1994, 10: 24-26, (in Russian).
Kaverina,A.N., and A.G.Prozorov, Creepex in relation to the tectonic origin of earthquakes. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Seismicity and Related Processes in the Environment. Vol.1. Moscow: Research and Coordinating Centre for Seismology and Engineering, 1994: 44-48.
Khokhlov,A.V., and V.G.Kossobokov, Seismic flux and major earthquakes in the Northwestern Pacific. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 3-8 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Kiselev,S.G., and V.M.Markushevich, Rayleigh-type vibrations of layered media as a matrix Sturm-Liouville problem. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1994, 335, 1: 29-31 (in Russian).
Kiselev,S.G., V.M.Markushevich, and A.S.Tsemahman, The matrix Sturm-Liouville problem for Rayleigh waves in cylindrically layered bodies. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 168-175 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Kossobokov,V.G., and S.A.Mazhkenov, Fractality of seismicity and its application in earthquake prediction. Inland Earthquake, 1994, 8, 1: 91-94.
L’vov,D.S., and A.G.Prozorov, Priorities of tax policy. Ekonomika i Zhizn', 1994, 44 (in Russian).
Lyubushin,A.A., and V.F.Pisarenko, Research on seismic regime using linear model of intensity of interacting point processes, Izvestiya, Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics of the Solid Earth, 1994, 29: 1108-1113.
Makeev,O.A., V.M.Markushevich, and G.M.Steblov, Modeling of vibrosounding for a geologic feature using horizontal monochromatic vibrations. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 239-248 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Markushevich,V.M. Characterization of D matrix in the Poissonian case. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems of geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1994: 137-144 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 27, in Russian).
Markushevich,V.M. Rayleigh waves in Pekeris' media. I. Investigation of equations and their solutions. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems of geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1994: 145-157 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 27, in Russian).
Markushevich,V.M., G.M.Steblov, and A.S.Tsemahman, Fast matrix propagator method in the Poissonian case. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 202-211 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Markushevich,V.M., and A.S.Tsemahman, Dispersion of Rayleigh waves in Zvolinsky's media at arbitrary Poisson's ratio. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 226-238 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Molchan,G.M. Multi-mono-fractal features of zero set of Brownian motion. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1994, 335, 4: 424-426 (in Russian).
Mostinsky,A.Z., and S.V.Udalova, Automatization of the personal computer interface to the world-wide digital seismic station network data base. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems of geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1994: 310-315 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 27, in Russian).
Novikov,R.G. Inverse scattering problem for the two-dimensional acoustic equation. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 164-167 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Prozorov,A.G. A new statistic to test the significance of long range interaction between large earthquakes. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Seismicity and Related Processes in the Environment. Vol.1. Moscow: Research and Coordinating Centre for Seismology and Engineering, 1994: 38-43.
Shnirman,M.G., and J.V.Genyuk, One-dimensional system of cellular automata for modeling an earthquake fault. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Geodynamics and Earthquake Prediction. Moscow, 1994: 67-77 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 26, in Russian).
Vorobieva I. Prediction of a reoccurrence of large earthquakes based on the aftershock sequence of the first large earthquake. In V.I.Keilis-Borok (ed.), Seismicity and Related Processes in the Environment. Vol.1. Moscow: Research and Coordinating Centre for Seismology and Engineering, 1994: 33-37.
Zavadskii,V.V., S.G.Kiselev, O.A.Makeev, and V.M.Markushevich, Rayleigh waves in Pekeris' media. II. Dispersion properties. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems of geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1994: 145-157 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 27, in Russian).
Zheligovsky,V.A., O.M.Podvigina, and A.M.Sadovsky, On determination of the boundaries of physical partitions from the data on the Bouguer gravity anomalies with formalized algorithm. Doklady Akademii Nauk, 1994, 337, 4: 528-531 (in Russian).
Zheligovsky,V.A., O.M.Podvigina, and A.M.Sadovsky, Some peculiarities of the Earth crust structure in California by the data on topography and the Bouguer anomalies and their relation to seismicity. Doklady Akademii Nauk, 1994, 337, 5: 662-666 (in Russian).