Papers in national journals - Year 1995
Adelson-Velsky,G.M., I.N.Bernstein, and M.L.Gerver, Who is going to Rio? Kvant, 1995, 1: 47-50 (in Russian).
???Botwina,L.R., I.M.Rotwain, V.I.Keilis-Borok, and I.B.Oparina, Hierarchical fracturing of steel samples and premonitory transformation of earthquake flow. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1995, 345, 6: 809-812 (in Russian).
???On the character of the Gutenberg-Richter relation on different stages of damage accumulation and earthquake generation.
???О характере графика повторяемости на различных стадиях дефектообразования и подготовки землетрясения
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, A theorem on order relations generated by totally positive kernels. Sbornik Mathematics, 1995, 186, 9: 1241-1269.
Kossobokov,V.G. On a regularity in a sequence of reversals of the Earth's magnetic field. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1995, 340, 4: 539-542 (in Russian).
Naimark,B.M., and A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, Numerical model of intracratonic sedimentary basin formation. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1995, 335A, 3: 10-14.
Pisarenko,V.F. On the best statistical estimator of maximum possible magnitude of an earthquake. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1995, 344, 2: 237-239 (in Russian).
Prozorov,A.G. Mathematical and theoretical geophysics. In G.A.Sobolev (ed.), National report to the IASPEI of the IUGG, 1991-1994. Moscow, National Geophysical Committee, 1995: 37-45.
Sinai,Ya.G. Modern Problems of Ergodic Theory. M.: Nauka, 1995, 200 pp. (in Russian).
Zavadskii,V.V., S.G.Kiselev, O.A.Makeev, and V.M.Markushevich, Rayleigh waves in Pekeris' media. Doklady Academii Nauk, 1995, 343, 6: 813-817 (in Russian).