Papers in national journals - Year 1996
Bukchin, B.G., B.V.Digas, and V.I.Maksimov, On the problem of reconstruction of point sources intensity from sensor observations. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of RAS, 1996, 4: 201-217 (in Russian).
Gerver,M.L. How A.L.Brudno devised programming in pithy symbols. Informatika, 1996, 1: 2 (in Russian).
Gerver,M.L. Some simple theorems on the distribution of roots. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 1996, 51, 3: 191-192 (in Russian, Engl. transl.: Russian Math. Surveys, 1996, 51).
Gerver,M.L. What did a conductor say? Informatika, 1996, 18: 4-5 (in Russian).
Gerver,M.L. On filling and corking up bottles. Informatika, 1996, 32: 2-5 (in Russian).
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, On the solution set boundary in the hodograph inversion problem. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1996, 347, 2: 262-264.
Kostousov,V.B., T.L.Kronrod, and V.F.Pisarenko, Fractal modeling of 3-D earthquake distribution. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Modern Problems of Seismology and Earth Dynamics. Moscow, 1996: 175-192 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 28, in Russian).
Kryazhimsky,A., V.Maksimov, A.Soloviev, and A.Chenzov, On probabilistic approach to quantitative description of natural processes. Problems of informatics and control, 1996, 1-2: 192-210 (in Russian).
Novikova,O., and I.Rotwain, Advance earthquake prediction using the CN algorithm. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1996, 348, 4: 708-712.
Pisarenko,V.F., and V.B.Lysenko, Distribution of the probabilities of maximal earthquake: A prognosis for a given time interval. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1996, 347, 3: 449-451.
Pisarenko,V.F., and M.V.Rodkin, On types of distribution of parameters of natural catastrophes. Geoekologiya, 1996, 5: 3-12 (in Russian).
Rantsman,E.Ya., M.P.Glasko, and A.I.Gorshkov, Hierarchy of the present-day block structure of the Indian shield and its orogenic framework. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1996, 349, 5: 839-845.
Reznikov,E.L., and L.M.Rozenknop, A propos des modes principaux de l´opérateur de Poicaré dans une sphère. Marees terrestres bulletin d´informations, 124, 30 mars 1996, Bruxelles: 9440-9449 (in French).
Reznikov,E.L., and L.M.Rozenknop, Sur les approximations lissées des modes propres de l´opérateur de Poicaré dans couche sphérique. Marees terrestres bulletin d´informations, 124, 30 mars 1996, Bruxelles: 9450-9465 (in French).
Reznikov,E.L., and L.M.Rozenknop, Sur les champs toroïdaux et poloïdaux propres de l´opérateur de Poicaré dans couche sphérique. Marees terrestres bulletin d´informations, 124, 30 mars 1996, Bruxelles: 9466-9476 (in French).
Sobolev,P.O., and D.V.Rundquist, The dependence of seismicity of mid-oceanic ridges on the spreading rate and on the ratio between lengths of the rift and transform zones. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1996, 351, 8: 1216-1220.