Papers in national journals - Year 1997
Ageev,A.L., V.V.Vassin, E.N.Bessonova, and V.M.Markushevich, Radio sounding of the ionosphere at two frequencies: A simulation analysis of the Fredholm-Stieltjes integral equation. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 100-118 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Belov,A.A. Integrability and chaos hierarchical models. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 133-154 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Bessonova,E.N., V.M.Markushevich, I.V.Savin, A.L.Ageev, and V.V.Vassin, Radio sounding in the ionosphere in the presence of waveguides or valleys: Uniqueness of inversion. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 81-99 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Botwina,L.R., I.B.Oparina, and O.V.Novikova, Analysis of the damage accumulation process at different scale levels. Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, 1997, 4: 17-22 (in Russian).
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, Extremal properties of wave guides with a finite number of layers in inverse travel-time problems. Doklady Mathematics, 1997, 56, 2: 777-780.
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, A universal sequence in the classical travel-time inversion problem. Sbornik Mathematics, 1997, 188, 4: 483-536.
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, New proof of theorems on universal sequence and on extremal properties of discrete measures. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 1997, 52, 6: 153-154 (in Russian, Engl. transl.: Russian Math. Surveys, 1997, 52).
Gordon,A.Ya. A fast algorithm for space-time solution of the inviscid Burgers equation. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 179-189 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Gorshkov,A.I., and M.P.Zhidkov, Recognition of origin sites of large slide–avalanche dislocations in the Lesser Caucasus. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 357, 8: 1149-1151.
Il'in,A.M., E.N.Bessonova, E.L.Reznikov, and L.M.Rozenknop, Asymptotic expansion of the solution of the degenerated elliptic equation. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 18-27 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Ismail-Zade,A.T., and B.M.Naimark, Stresses in submerging ancient oceanic plates under continental areas: Numerical models. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 354, 4: 637-639.
Kiselev,S.G. Generalization of the reflectivity method for inhomogeneous Pekeris' media. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 70-80 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Kuznetsov,I.V., and V.I.Keilis-Borok, The interrelation of earthquakes of the Pacific seismic belt, Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 355A, 6, 869-873.
Kuznetsov,I.V., V.F.Pisarenko, and M.V.Rodkin, Methods for calculation of losses from different type catastrophes. Economics and Mathematical Methods, 1997, 33, 4: 39-50 (in Russian).
Molchan,G.M. Turbulent cascades: Multifractal characteristics. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 155-168 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Naimark,B.M. A method for computer modeling of mantle flows with density and viscosity discontinuities along moving boundaries. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 355, 5: 709-711.
Naimark,B.M., A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, A.I.Korotkii, A.P.Suetov, and A.I.Tsepelev, Numerical realisation of the hydrodynamic model of sedimentary basin formation. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of RAS, 1997, 5: 1-31 (in Russian).
Pisarenko,V.F. Bootstrap for stochastic processes. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 353, 2: 267-269.
Reznikov,E.L., and L.M.Rozenknop, Sur les Oscillations Propres d’un Liquide Visqueux en Rotation dans Le Noyau Externe de la Terre. Marees terrestres bulletin d´informations, 126, 15 avril 1997, Bruxelles: 9655-9668 (in French).
Shapiro,M.N., D.M.Pechersky, and A.V.Lander, The rates and directions of absolute movements of subduction zones in the geologic past. Geotectonics, 1997, 31, 2: 89-98.
Sobolev,P.O. Influence of the lithosphere disintegration degree on seismicity. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 352, 1: 162-165.
Sobolev,P.O., and D.V.Rundquist, Change of seismicity in accordance with the stage of tectonic evolution of the East African rifts. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 355, 5: 664-668.
Troussov,A.V. Linear-fast algorithm for calculating discrete Legendre transforms and solving the Burgers equation. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Theoretical Problems in Geophysics. Moscow, 1997: 190-196 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 29, in Russian).
Vorobieva,I.A. and A.A.Soloviev, The relation between spatial distribution of earthquake epicenters and motion of lithospheric blocks. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Earth Science Sections, 1997, 355, 5: 705-708.