Papers in national journals - Year 1998
Ageev,A.L., V.V.Vasin, E.N.Bessonova, V.M.Markushevich, and S.G.Kiselev, Determination of electron concentration inside the ionospheric waveguide from the jump of tau-function. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 225-233 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Bolgov,M.V., E.S.Dzektser, and V.F.Pisarenko, Statistical analysis of underflooding in areas under development. Water Resources, 1998, 25, 5: 487-493.
Garianova,T.V. and I.M.Rotwain, The properties of seismicity for the simplest type tectonic movement. The block model and reality. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 289-299 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Gashin,A.N., and A.F.Kushnir, Study of regional seismic phase propagation anomalies using data from Alibek small aperture array. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 316-335 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Gerver,M.L. A width of a polygon. Matematicheskoe prosveschenie, 1998, Third series, 2: 173-191 (in Russian).
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, Extremal properties of discrete measures, a universal sequence, and the duality principle. Doklady Mathematics, 1998, 58, 3: 436-439.
Gerver,M.L., and E.A.Kudryavtseva, Extremal properties of discrete measures, a universal sequence, and a duality principle. Matematicheskii sbornik, 1998, 189, 11: 3-26 (in Russian, Engl. transl.: Sbornik Mathematics, 1998, 189, 11).
Gorshkov,A.I., and M.P.Zhidkov, Recognition of large collapse–landslide deformations: Implications for seismogeological risk assessment. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 1998, 34, 3: 261-264.
Gorshkov,A.I., I.N.Kandoba, E.L.Safronovich, and I.V.Sladkov, Automated image processing of geologic-geomorphological information in morphostructural zoning. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 336-347 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Ismail-Zadeh,A.T. Earth: Deep processes and their surface manifestations, Science and Life / Nauka i Zhizn’, 1998, 1: 58-64 (in Russian).
Ismail-zade,A.T., A.I.Korotkii, B.M.Naimark, A.P.Suetov, and I.A.Tsepelev, Implementation of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for evolution of sedimentary basins. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 1998, 38, 7: 1138-1151.
Khodakovskii,G.I., V.P.Trubitsyn, M.Rabinowicz, and G.Ceuleneer, Magma migration and compaction of surrounding rocks with variable viscosity. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 16-31 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Kostyuchenko,S.L., and A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, The origin of rapid phases of subsidence and sedimentation in the Moscow basin on the basis of deep seismic studies and quantitative analysis. Prospecting and Preservation of Mineral Resources / Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1998, 2: 37-40 (in Russian).
Kuznetsov,A.N., and V.M.Markushevich, On conditions for reducting the order of a Rayleigh system. II. Study of the media allowing the reduction and their particular cases. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 107-120 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Kuznetsov,I.V., V.F.Pisarenko, and M.V.Rodkin, A contribution to the problem of disaster classification: The parametrization of impact and loss. Environmental Geoscience, 1998, 1, 2: 91-99.
Lyubushin,A.A., V.F.Pisarenko, and T.A.Rukavishnikova, Statistical estimation of peak ground acceleration caused by earthquakes. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 300-315 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Lyubushin,A.A., V.F.Pisarenko, V.V.Ruzhich, and V.Yu.Buddo, A new method for identifying seismicity periodicities. Volc. Seis., 1998, 20: 73-89.
Molchan,G.M. and D.Turcotte, The statistics of a sedimentary sequence: a model. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 65-77 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Naimark,B.M., A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, A.I.Korotkii, A.P.Suetov, A.I.Tsepelev, and W.R.Jacoby, Three-dimensional modelling of viscous flows in the uppermost mantle. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 3-15 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Pisarenko,V.F., and M.V.Rodkin, Forecasting damage from natural disasters: How? Science in Russia, 1998, 5: 22-26.
Rotwain,I.M. and A.A.Soloviev, Numerical modeling of block structure dynamics: temporal characteristics of a synthetic earthquake flow. In V.I.Keilis-Borok and G.M.Molchan (eds), Problems in Geodynamics and Seismology. Moscow, 1998: 275-288 (Comput. Seismol.; Iss. 30, in Russian).
Rundquist,D.V., G.L.Vladova, and V.V.Rozhkova, The migratory regularities of earthquake sources along island arcs. Doklady Earth Sciences, 1998, 360, 4: 579-582.
Ruzhich,V.V., E.A.Levina, V.F.Pisarenko, and A.A.Lyubushin, Statistic estimation of the maximum possible earthquake magnitude for the Baikal Rift Zone, Geology and Geophysics, 1998, 39, 10: 1443-1455 (in Russian).
Solov'ev,A.A., and D.V.Rundquist, Simulation of seismicity in an arc-shaped subduction zone. Doklady Earth Sciences, 1998, 362, 7: 1002-1006.
Tsepelev,I.A., A.I.Korotkii, A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, B.M.Naimark, and A.P.Suetov, Parallel algorithms for modelling of high viscous flow in the uppermost mantle. In Algorithms and codes for parallel computations, 1998, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Issue 2: 301-317 (in Russian).
Vishik,M.I., M.L.Gerver, A.I.Ibragimov, Yu.S.Ilyashenko, A.S.Kalashnikov, V.A.Kondratiev, A.A.Kosmodemiyansky, A.D.Myushkis, O.A.Oleinik, E.G.Sitnikova, Evgenii Mikhailovich Landis. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 1998, 53, 6 (324): 233-238 (in Russian, Engl. transl.: Russian Math. Surveys, 1998, 53).