XXV General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
- Bolgov,M.V., and V.F.Pisarenko, Stochastic model of extreme floods. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).
- Ismail-Zadeh,A., S.Kostyuchenko, and F.Winberg, The Vilyui depression of the Siberian platform: tectonic subsidence and formation mechanism. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).
- Keilis-Borok,V., V.Kossobokov, J.Healy, and D.Turcotte, Reproducible earthquake prediction and earthquake preparedness. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).
- Keilis-Borok,V., V.Kossobokov, L.Romashkova, and J.Healy, Testing reproducible earthquake predictions. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).
- Molchan,G., T.Kronrod, and G.Panza, Multi-scale seismicity model for seismic risk. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).
- Pisarenko,V.F., and M.V.Rodkin, Some non-linear features in regime of seismicity. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).
- Shapoval,A.B., and M.G.Shnirman, Two-side sand-pile model: spontaneuosly symmetry breaking. In Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 2, 2000. European Geophysical Society, 25th General Assembly (CD-ROM).