AGU 2000 Fall Meeting
- Cheng,B., V.Keilis-Borok, and V.Kossobokov, Common patterns of multiple fracturing on the Earth and on a neutron star. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG62B-01, 2000: F561.
- Gabrielov,A., V.I.Keilis-Borok, O.M.Podvigina, and V.A.Zheligovsky, Migration of fluids and dynamics of blocks-and-faults system. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 15-19, 2000. AGU, Washington, paper NG62C-14.
- Healy,J.H., and V.Kossobokov, The failure-to-predict the 1999 Ms7.8 Izmit and Ms7.5 Duzce earthquakes. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51A-18, 2000: F818.
- Ismail-Zadeh,A.T., H.E.Huppert, and J.R.Lister, Analytical modelling of the rise of diapirs through a perfectly plastic overburden. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T22E-13, 2000: F1241.
- Keilis-Borok,V., A.Gabrielov, I.Zaliapin, W.I.Newman, G.Axen, and P.Shebalin, Selforganization of Critical Transitions in the Colliding Cascades with Applications to Earthquake Prediction. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG52A-08, 2000: F556.
- Keilis-Borok,V., I.Zaliapin, I.Rotvain, L.Botvina, A.Gabrielov, W.I.Newman, and M.Shnirman, Premonitory Change of Scaling in Seismicity Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl.,Abstract NG21A-03 INVITED, 2000: F587.
- Kossobokov,V., V.Keilis-Borok, G.Molchan, and D.Turcotte, Quantifying performance, significance, costs and benefits of an earthquake prediction method. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U72B-08 INVITED, 2000: F19.
- Molchan,G., V.Keilis-Borok, and V.Kossobokov, Earthquake prediction and earthquake preparedness: Test results open new possibilities. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PA52A-01, 2000: F812.
- Romashkova,L., V.Kossobokov, and D.Turcotte, Seismic cascades prior to and after recent largest earthquakes worldwide. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG62C-09, 2000: F564-F565.
- Zaliapin,I., V.Keilis-Borok, G.Axen, A.Gabrielov, and W.I.Newman, Premonitory Redistribution of Seismicity Over the Fault Network in Southern California. Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG62A-01, 2000: F558.