Presentations at International Conferences - Year 2001
- Ghil,M., V.Keilis-Borok, and I.Zaliapin, A Boolean delay model of colliding cascades: Prediction and seismic regimes. In Abstracts of IGPP Annual Meeting, May 7-8, University of California, Los Angeles, 2001: 13.
- Keilis-Borok,V., I.Zaliapin, G.Axen, A.Gabrielov, and W.Newman, Premonitory redistribution of seismicity over the fault network in Southern California. In Abstracts of IGPP Annual Meeting, May 7-8, University of California, Los Angeles, 2001: 9.
- Soloviev,A., and V.Maksimov, Block models of lithosphere dynamics: approaches and solutions. In V.Maksimov, Yu.Ermoliev, and J.Linnerooth-Bayer (eds), Risk Management: Modeling and Computer Applications. Proceedings of IIASA Workshop, IR-01-066, Laxenburg, Austria, 2001: 1-13.
- Pisarenko,V.F., A.A.Lyubushin, S.Canu, M.F.Kanevsky, E.A.Savelieva, V.V.Demianov, M.V.Bolgov, T.A.Rukavishnikova, Statistical methods for rivers’ runoff forecast. In 4th INTAS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Physical and Chemical Methods in Biology, Medicine and Environment, Moscow, May 30 – June 3, 2001. Proceedings Book. Moscow: Max Press, 2001: 21.
- Ismail-Zadeh,A.T. Numerical modelling of lithospheric blocks dynamics with an application to seismicity. In Abstracts of the Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics, June 2-6, Aussois, France, 2001: 56.
- ***Родкин М.В., Писаренко В.Ф. Линейный и нелинейный режимы роста кумулятивных величин сейсмических моментов и энергии и понятие максимального эффективного землетрясения // Современная геодинамика, глубинное строение и сейсмичность платформенных территорий и сопредельных регионов. Материалы Международной Конференции. Воронеж, 2001. С.168-169.
- Kuznetsov,E.A., O.M.Podvigina, and V.A.Zheligovsky, Numerical evidence of breaking of vortex lines. In Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium "Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics", 2-7 September 2001, Zakopane, Poland. Kluwer, 2002: ??? [].
- Ismail-Zadeh,A.T. Numerical modelling of lithospheric dynamics with an application to the Vrancea earthquake-prone region in the southeastern Carpathians. In Abstract Book of the Stephan Mueller Topical Conference of the European Geophysical Society "Quantitative Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard Assessment: New Integrated Approaches for Environmental Management", Balatonfuered, Hungary, September 22-26, 2001: 27.
- Gatinsky,Yu.G., Yu.V.Mironov, V.M.Ryakhovsky, and G.L.Vladova, Pacific subduction zones: main types, seismicity, volcanics and mineralization. “Margins Meeting 2001”, Kiel, Germany, Oct. 2-6, 2001.
XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction
7th Zonenshain International Conference on Plate Tectonics
AGU 2001 Fall Meeting