AGU 1993 Spring Meeting
Keilis-Borok,V.I. Chaos, similarity and self-organisation in the dynamics of the Earth lithosphere. In 1993 Spring Meeting, May 24 - 28, Baltimore, Maryland, American Geophysical Union, Mineralogical Society of America, Geochemical Society: 48 (EOS, Transactions, AGU, 1993, 74, 16 / Supplement).
Panza,G.F., A.G.Prozorov, and A.N.Kaverina, A new method for the study of the tectonical behavior of continental margins, based on spectral anomalies of the background seismicity: the example of Italy. In 1993 Spring Meeting, May 24 - 28, Baltimore, Maryland, American Geophysical Union, Mineralogical Society of America, Geochemical Society: 294 (EOS, Transactions, AGU, 1993, 74, 16 / Supplement).
Prozorov,A.G. Long range interaction of strong seismic events as a feature of intermittent character of plate dynamics. In 1993 Spring Meeting, May 24 - 28, Baltimore, Maryland, American Geophysical Union, Mineralogical Society of America, Geochemical Society: 318 (EOS, Transactions, AGU, 1993, 74, 16 / Supplement).
Lobkovsky,L.I., A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, B.M.Naimark, S.Cloetingh, and A.M.Nikishin, A model of post-rift sedimentary basin formation caused by the subsidence of an eclogite lens in the upper mantle. Terra Abstracts, 1993, 5, Supplement 1: 171.
Bukchin,B., H.Paulssen, V.Keilis-Borok, R.Garetsky, A.Boborykin, M.Lazarenko, T.Yanovskaya, L.Antonova, and R.Snieder, The NARS-DEEP project. In Abstracts of EUG VII, Strasbourg, 1993.