AGU 1996 Fall Meeting
Ismail-Zadeh,A.T., G.F.Panza, and B.M.Naimark, The role of viscous flow, phase transition, and dehydration in stress generation within descending relic slabs: Application to Vrancea, Romania. In Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, 1996, San Francisco, California: S41A-19.
Kossobokov,V.G., J.H.Healy, J.W.Dewey, and L.L.Romashkova, Intermediate-term changes of seismicity in advance of the 10 June 1996 Delaroff Islands earthquake. EOS Transactions, 1996, 77, AGU 1996 Fall Meeting: S31A-08.
Kossobokov,V.G., and D.L.Turcotte, A systematic global assessment of the seismic risk. EOS Transactions, 1996, 77, AGU 1996 Fall Meeting: S12E-03.
Nishenko,S.P., C.Bufe, J.Dewey, D.Varnes, J.Healy, K.Jacob, and V.Kossobokov, Delarof islands earthquake - a successful earthquake forecast / prediction? In Abstracts of AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, 1996, San Francisco, California: S71C-04.
Bukchin,B.G. Determination of seismic source parameters by analysis of surface wave broad-band amplitude spectra. Abstracts of International Conference on Problems of Geocosmos, St.Petersburg, 1996.
Bukchin,B.G., A.V.Lander, and A.Z.Mostinsky, Seismic source parameters determination by analysis of body and surface wave broad-band spectra. In Abstracts of International Conference on Problems of Geocosmos, St.Petersburg, 1996: 133.