29th General Assembly of the IASPEI
Giardini,D., A.Gassanov, T.Chelidze, B.Pustovitenko, T.Ashirov, M.Chafory-Astiani, M.Erdik, V.Ulomov, N.Kondorskaya, V.Trifinov, G.Molchan, V.Schenk, D.Mayer-Rosa, M.Stucchi, G.Griinthal, Seismic hazard assessment for the Caucasus test area. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 385.
Gorshkov,A.I., I.V.Kuznetsov, G.Panza, and A.A.Soloviev, The Capatho-Balkan region: Block structure and earthquake-prone areas. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 285.
Ismail-Zadeh,A.T., B.M.Naimark, and G.F.Panza, Stress in the descending relic slab beneath Vrancea: Effects of viscous flow, phase transition and dehydration. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 287.
Keilis-Borok,V.I., V.G.Kossobokov, K.Maeda, and S.Uyeda, A composite hierarchical approach to earthquake prediction. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 143.
Kossobokov,V.G., J.H.Healy, and J.W.Dewey, Testing an earthquake prediction algorithm: A global increase of seismic activity. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 346.
Kuznetsov,I.V., V.I.Keilis-Borok, and G.F.Panza, Interaction of earthquakes along the Circum-Pacific rim and Euro-Asia relic slab beneath. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 403.
Panza,G.F., N.N.Tsybin, A.A.Soloviev, and A.G.Prozorov, Interaction properties of earthquakes in Vrancea: Corollaries for stab structure and hazard estimation after major events. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 285.
Rundkvist,D.V., P.O.Sobolev, S.Yu.Petrashin, S.V.Shibirin, and A.G.Prozorov, Correlation of rifting process with the velocity of spreading, thermal structure and statistical properties of seismicity. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 95.
Shebalin,P.N., I.M.Rotwain, and C.J.Allegre, Fractal structure of the temporal distribution of aftershock sequences. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 400.
Soloviev,A.A., I.A.Vorobieva, and G.F.Panza, Modelling of block dynamics and seismicity for the Vrancea region. In Abstracts of the 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI. August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece: 285.