Presentations at National Conferences - Year 2002
- ***Писаренко В.Ф., Родкин М.В. Новый подход к параметризации сейсмического режима и сейсмического риска // Четвертые геофизические чтения имени В.В.Федынского, 28 февраля - 02 марта 2002 года. Тезисы докладов. М.: Центр ГЕОН им. В.В.Федынского. С.25.
- Keilis-Borok,V.I., V.G.Kossobokov, and P.N.Shebalin, Earthquake prediction: Fundamentals, advances, and horizons. In Materials of All-Russian Conference "Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics on a Boundary of XX-XXI Centuries". Vol. 3. "Geophysics". Moscow, 2002: 157.
- Pisarenko,V.F., and M.V.Rodkin, Regimes of strong earthquakes and damages as manifestations of specificity of features of distributions with heavy tails. In Materials of All-Russian Conference "Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics on a Boundary of XX-XXI Centuries". Vol. 3. "Geophysics". Moscow, 2002: 47-48.
- Soloviev,A.A., I.V.Kuznetsov, and M.G.Shnirman, Mathematical models of seismicity: Applications in geodynamics and seismology. In Materials of All-Russian Conference "Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics on a Boundary of XX-XXI Centuries". Vol. 3. "Geophysics". Moscow, 2002: 161-162.