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Waves overlap
      Waves overlap introduction
( Selection of stations and recognition of possible overlap of waves
generated by different earthquakes. )

      Very often the stations are clustering with respect to their azimuthfrom the epicenter. For surface wave analysis it makes sens to use only one representativestation from each cluster. Each cluster is defined by a given maximum difference between two station azimuths (dAz).
     The program FmtVes  allows you to image the stations andorganise them into clusters and select a representative station of each cluster. If the waveforms recorded on the representative station are not satisfactory (during FTAN analysis) FmtVes allows you in a friendly-user way to adopt another station as representative of your  cluster.
     Before analyzing a record from an earthquake, it might be useful tofind out whether waves from other events can appear on the record. The program FmtVesprocesses a catalog of earthquakes, i.e. the main event and other earthquakes that might appear on one recordwith the main event, and a list of stations to be considered. For each pair earthquake-stationthe program determines the velocity which is required to reach the station at the time when thesignal, propagating from the main event with a given velocity, arrives.

 y =   di / ( ( t0 + d0 / x) - ti )
di    -   distance from station to i-th event.

  - distance from station to Main event.

   -   date-time of i-th  event.

t0    -  date-time of Main event.

x     - velocity (km/sec)
y     - expected velocity (km/sec)

     This program runs under Fmt environments and is an interactive windows application.

Waves overlap

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