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Filtering by FTAN  program

5. Processing performance

Until you didn’t select a station and channel to be processed the light of semaphore button is red  .  Click on ‘+’ near selected station, available channels will appear. Click on one of them. The semaphore light will change to yellow . The program is ready for processing of selected seismograms. Click on semaphore button. The semaphore light will change to green , and selected waveforms will be plotted


Note, that the raw waveforms can be plotted at any moment by clicking on the button  .
To apply bandpass filtering click the button .

Filtered records will be plotted

To view FTAN maps for selected components and to make floating filtering push the button .

Here is an example of FTAN map:

To make a floating filtering it is necessary to plot dispersion curve to make phase equalization (black circles). Use mouse to do this. Click left mouse button to put a point and right one to delete point nearest to cursor location. To finish type "e".

The picture of envelope of signal will appear:

It is necessary to cut a signal which you've selected. This signal is concentrated near the center of picture (red vertical line). To do this you must set four points to define the filtering window with cosine edges. Use the same commands as above.

The picture of FTAN map for a cleaned signal will appear:

You can continue with filtering of this component. If you're satisfied with the result of filtering type "y".  FTAN diagram of next component will appear.
Note: to interrupt the floating filtering process type “q” .

View of results.

To view results of FTAN calculation of group velocities click button 

Here is an example of group velocities plotting.

The thin lines are theoretical curves for PREM model.

To view amplitude spectra push the button  

 Here is an example of picture of amplitude spectra:

Thin lines present the amplitude spectra of raw signals; thick lines present the amplitude spectra of cleaned signals.

To view the FTAN estimates of polarization anomalies push button .

Here is an example of picture of polarization anomalies:

To view the picture of cleaned and raw seismograms push the button .

Here is an example of picture of filtered and raw signals:

To view a picture of FTAN diagrams for cleaned and raw records push the button .

Here is an example of picture of FTAN maps for filtered and raw seismograms:

To clean any of processed components push the button .   The Clean Records Dialog window will appear.

Click component toggle buttons required to be cleaned. Click OK button to perform the cleaning, or Cancel - to close the window without cleaning.

To save results click the button .  The Save Records Dialog will appear.


Click component toggle buttons required to be saved. Click OK button to save records, or Cancel - to close the window without saving.

Select next station-channel.  Button changes green color to yellow  and you can work with new selection.


Filtering by FTAN  program

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