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Main Window Filtering by FTAN  program

Settings Toolbar.

Settings toolbar is intended for assignment of FTAN specifications.
-  Main settings. Menu option is Settings->Main; keyboard shortcut is  (Ctrl+M).
- Toggle button. If the button is pressed then postscript files will be created. The menu option is  Settings->Ps On/Off and the keyboard shortcut is (Ctrl+P).
- Toggle button.  If the button is pressed then polarization measurement will be performed. The menu option is Settings->Polar On/Off and the keyboard shortcut is (Ctrl+R).
- Assignment of parameters for bandpass filtering. The menu option is  Settings->Filter Spec and the keyboard shortcut is (Ctrl+F).
- Assignment of parameters defining FTAN window. The menu option is Settings->Fta Window and the keyboard shortcut is  (Ctrl+W).
- Selection of wave form components to be plotted. The menu option is Settings->Plot Comp and the keyboard shortcut is  (Ctrl+L) .
- Selection of wave form components for FTAN processing. The menu option is  Settings->Fta Comp  and the keyboard shortcut is  (Ctrl+T) .
- Assignment of orbit number. The menu option is Settings->Orbit.
- Assignment of mode number. The menu option is Settings->Mode and the keyboard shortcut is (Ctrl+D) .

Main Window Filtering by FTAN  program

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