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Exercise 11. Managing projects of catalog compilation.

CompiCat allows a user to create project files. Each project is defined as a sequence of operations with catalogs for implementation. Saving a project description, i.e., a project file, facilitates application of the same sequence of operations with fixed parameters to different catalogs in question. There are two ways to create a project file. In the first one, using the tools, fitting their parameters, and controlling the results step by step a researcher may create a new project combining the tasks fulfilled in the current run of CompiCat. In this case, Parameters of Tasks must be set to Currently defined and the appropriate tasks must be added into List of Tasks. The second way makes use of the CompiCat Default. In this case a researcher must (i) set Parameters of Tasks to Default, (ii) add the appropriate tasks into List of Tasks, and fix the parameters of each task. The first way allows choosing parameters and controlling the results interactively, while the second way takes less time.

Task:  Make a project file for catalog search of records with magnitudes m1 in the range from 7 to 9.
1) Run CompiCat: Open the file  ...\ecp\exercises\ex11-select-1.csf  
2) Click Select button  in the tools bar on the left. Open Magnitudes tab.

Check on the box in its upper leftmost corner; invoke Range radio button; check on the box in the m1 row; set the requested m1 magnitude range. Click Apply. Click OK.
3) Click New Project button  on the top.


In the frame Parameters of Tasks choose Currently defined radio buttonIn the frame Tasks choose Optional Tasks radio button. In Optional Tasks list select Select subcatalog row. Click Add -> button. Select subcatalog task will appear in List of Tasks. Click Next-> button. The following Project Wizard Page will appear.

Note that due to the choice of Parameters of Tasks set to Currently defined all the parameters of the task appear as defined above in 2). Click Finish button. The Main window should appear as follows:

Nota bene: At this point CompiCat completes formation of the project, however, to create the project file a researcher must click Save Project As button   and save project file. Save the project file under the name ex11-projectselect in the ...\work directory.
4) Click Execute Project button  on the top. Save the resulting catalog under the name ex11-select-1-m7 in the ...\work directory. Exit CompiCat program.
5) Run CompiCat once again. To open the existing project click Open Project button  on the top bar. Browse to the ...\work directory and select ex11-projectselect.pro saved in 3). Click Edit Project button  .


Change the initial  catalog by clicking Browse button of Initial  Catalog  frame. Browse to directory ...\ecp\exercises and select ex11-select-2.csf file. Click Next-> button. Click Finish button. Click Execute Project button  . Save the resulting catalog under the name ex11-select-2-m7 in the ...\work directory. Exit CompiCat program.

Note that the two
resulting catalogs were obtained  by using the same parameters of the sample task, except for the initial catalog in question.


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