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Description of technique
Instant point source can be described by the moment tensor - a
3x3 matrix .
Seismic moment
is defined by equation
is transposed moment tensor
Moment tensor of any event can be presented in the form
where matrix
is normalised by condition
We are considering a double couple instant point source (a pure
dislocation) at a depth h. Such a source can be given by 5 parameters:
double couple depth, its focal mechanism which is characterising by
angles: strike, dip and slip or by two unit vectors (direction of
tension T and direction of principal compression P) and seismic
moment .
Four of these parameters we determine by a systematic exploration of
four dimensional parametric space, and the 5-th parameter
- solving the problem of minimisation of the misfit between observed
calculated surface wave amplitude spectra for every current combination
of all other parameters.
Under assumptions mentioned above the relation between the spectrum
of the displacements
in any surface wave and the total moment tensor
can be expressed by following formula
i,j = 1,2,3 and the summation convention for repeated subscripts is
in equation (1) is the spectrum of Green function for the chosen model
of medium and wave type (see Levshin, 1985; Bukchin, 1990),
source location. We assume that the paths from the earthquake source to
seismic stations are relatively simple and are well approximated by
laterally inhomogeneous model (Woodhouse, 1974; Babich et al., 1976).
surface wave Green function in this approximation is determined by the
near source and near receiver velocity structure, by the mean phase
of wave, and by geometrical spreading. The amplitude spectrum |
defined by formula (1) does not depend on the average phase velocity of
the wave. In such a model the errors in source location do not affect
amplitude spectrum (Bukchin, 1990). The average phase velocities of
waves are usually not well known. For this reason as a rule we use only
amplitude spectra of surface waves for determining source parameters
consideration. We use observed surface wave phase spectra only for very
long periods.
Surface wave amplitude spectra inversion
If all characteristics of the medium are known the representation
gives us a system of equations for parameters defined above. Let us
now a grid in the space of these 4 parameters. Let the models of the
be given. Using formula (1) we can calculate the amplitude spectra of
waves at the points of observation for every possible combination of
of the varying parameters. Comparison of calculated and observed
spectra give us a residual for
every point of observation, every wave and every frequency
be any observed value of the spectrum, i = 1,?,N;
corresponding residual of |
We define the normalised amplitude residual by formula
The optimal values of the parameters that minimize eamp
we consider as estimates of these parameters. We search them by a
exploration of the five dimensional parameter space. To characterize
degree of resolution of every of these source characteristics we
partial residual functions. Fixing the value of one of varying
we put in correspondence to it a minimal value of the residual eamp on
the set of all possible values of the other parameters. In this way we
define one residual function on scalar argument and two residual
on vector argument corresponding to the scalar and two vector varying
parameters: ,
The value of the parameter for which the corresponding function of the
residual attains its minimum we define as estimate of this parameter.
the same time these functions characterize the degree of resolution of
the corresponding parameters. From geometrical point of view these
describe the lower boundaries of projections of the 4-D surface of
the coordinate planes.
It is well known that the focal mechanism can not be uniquely determined from surface wave amplitude spectra. There are four different focal mechanisms which will radiate this same surface wave amplitude spectra. These four equivalent solutions represent two pairs of mechanisms symmetric with respect to the vertical axis, and within the pair differ from each other by the opposite direction of slip.
To get a unique solution for the focal mechanism we have to use in
inversion additional observations. For these purpose we use very long
phase spectra of surface waves or polarities of P wave first arrivals.
Joint inversion of surface wave amplitude and phase spectra
Using formula (1) we can calculate for chosen frequency range the
spectra of surface waves at the points of observation for every
combination of values of the varying parameters. Comparison of
and observed phase spectra give us a residual for
every point of observation, every wave and every frequency
We define the normalised amplitude residual by formula
We determine the joint residual by
Joint inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra and P wave polarities
Calculating radiation pattern of P waves for every current
of parameters we compare it with observed polarities. The misfit
from this comparison we use to calculate a joint residual of surface
amplitude spectra and polarities of P wave first arrivals. Let be
the residual of surface wave amplitude spectra,
the residual of P wave first arrival polarities (the number of wrong
divided by the full number of observed polarities), then we determine
joint residual
Before inversion we apply to observed polarities a smoothing
which we will describe here briefly.
Let us consider a group of observed polarities (+1 for compression
and -1 for dilatation) radiated in directions deviating from any medium
one by a small angle. This group is presented in the inversion
by one polarity prescribing to this medium direction. If the number of
one of two types of polarities from this group is significantly larger
then the number of opposite polarities, then we prescribe this polarity
to this medium direction. If no one of two polarity types can be
as preferable, then all these polarities will not be used in the
To make a decision for any group of n observed polarities we calculate
the sum ,
where n+ is the number of compressions and
is the number of dilatations. We consider one of polarity types as
if |m| is larger then its standard deviation in the case when +1 and -1
appear randomly with this same probability 0.5. In this case n+ is a
value distributed following the binomial low. For its average we
and for dispersion
Random value m is a linear function of n+ such that
So following equations are valid for the average, for the dispersion,
for the standard deviation s of value m
As a result, if the inequality
is valid then we prescribe +1 to the medium direction if
and -1 if
V.M. Babich, B.A. Chikachev and T.B. Yanovskaya, 1976. Surface waves in a vertically inhomogeneous elastic half-space with weak horizontal inhomogeneity, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, 4, 24-31.
B.G. Bukchin, 1990. Determination of source parameters from surface waves recordings allowing for uncertainties in the properties of the medium, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, 25, 723-728.
A.V. Lander, 1989. Frequency-time analysis. In: V.I. Keilis-Borok (Editor), Seismic surface waves in a laterally inhomogeneous earth. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, 153-163.
A.L. Levshin, 1985. Effects of lateral inhomogeneity on surface wave amplitude measurements, Annles Geophysicae, 3, 4, 511-518.
J.H. Woodhouse, 1974. Surface waves in the laterally varying
J. R. astr. Soc., 90, 12, 713-728.