Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт теории прогноза землетрясений и математической геофизики Российской академии наук |
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Препринты, отчеты и т.д.
2019 ▲ Зверяев Е.М., Коваленко М.Д., Абруков Д.А., Меньшова И.В., Кержаев А.П. О разложениях по функциям папковича-фадля в задаче изгиба пластины // Препринты ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыш,. 2019, № 38. С. 1-28, doi:10.20948/prepr-2019-38. Зверяев Е.М., Коваленко М.Д., Абруков Д.А., Меньшова И.В., Кержаев А.П. Примеры точных решений задач изгиба пластины со свободными лицевыми плоскостями // Препринты ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша, 2019, № 46. С. 1-17, doi:10.20948/prepr-2019-46. 2018 ▲ Зверяев Е.М., Коваленко М.Д., Меньшова И.В., Кержаев А.П. О свойствах точных решений краевых задач теории упругости в полуполосе и их приложение к теории остаточных напряжений в горных породах // Препринты ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша, 2018, № 56. С.1-28, doi:10.20948/prepr-2018-56. 2017 ▲ Блянкинштейн Н.И., Орлов Ю.Н., Родкин М.В., Федоров С.Л. Об оценке уровня стационарности каталогов землетрясений // Препринты ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша, 2017, № 40. С.1-18. 2016 ▲ 2015 ▲ Новикова О.В. Распознавание мест возможного возникновения сильных землетрясений в регионах центрального сегмента Альпийского пояса для различных пороговых магнитуд. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физ.-мат. наук, Москва, 2015. 21 с. Ismail-Zadeh,A., and S.Cutter (eds), Disaster Risks Research and Assessment to Promote Risk Reduction and Management. Paris: ICSU?ISSC Ad?hoc Group on Disaster Risk Assessment, March 12, 2015. Available at: http://www.icsu.org/science-for-policy/disaster-risk/documents/DRRsynthesisPaper_2015.pdf 2014 ▲ 2013 ▲ 2012 ▲ Arnold,M.D. Notes on identical configurations in Abelian Sandpile Model with initial height. arXiv:1205.6618. Bukchin,B.G. Determination of Seismic Source Parameters and Analysis of Uncertainties. Application to Studies of Strong Recent Earthquakes. Workshop on Geophysical Data Analysis and Assimilation, 29 October – 3 November 2012, Trieste: ICTP, 2373-9, 22 pp. Bukchin,B.G. Frequency-time Analysis & Moment Tensor Inversion Programs (Tutorial). Workshop on Geophysical Data Analysis and Assimilation, 29 October – 3 November 2012, Trieste: ICTP, 2373-Tutorial, 18 pp. (2 lectures) Gravirov,V.V., K.V.Kislov, F.E.Vinberg, and T.V.Ovchinnikova, Identi?cation of a useful signal and his low-frequency component in a non-stationary seismic signal with high noise level. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference “Problems of Geocosmos” (October 8-12, 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia): 146-151. http://geo.phys.spbu.ru/materials_of_a_conference_2012/S2012/Gravirov_%20et_all_Geocosmos2012proceedings.pdf Ismail-Zadeh,A. Methods of Data Assimilation in Geodynamic Models. Workshop on Geophysical Data Analysis and Assimilation, 29 October – 3 November 2012, Trieste: ICTP, 2373-10, 54 pp. (2 lectures) Kislov,K.V., and V.V.Gravirov, Sensitivity of broadband seismic instrument parameters to environment. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference “Problems of Geocosmos” (October 8-12, 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia): 152-157. http://geo.phys.spbu.ru/materials_of_a_conference_2012/S2012/Kislov_%20et_all_Geocosmos2012proceedings.pdf Kislov,K.V., F.E.Vinberg, A.F.Kushnir, and V.V.Gravirov, Early warning system and man-made noise. In IV International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” (PCI'2012), September 12-14, 2012, Baku, Azerbaijan: 52-55. http://www.pci2012.science.az/3/04.pdf Mostinskiy,A.Z., and B.G.Bukchin, Data Base Frequency-time Analysis Program Reference Manual. Workshop on Geophysical Data Analysis and Assimilation, 29 October – 3 November 2012, Trieste: ICTP, 2373-Manual, 43 pp. Mostinskiy,A.Z., and B.G.Bukchin, Moment Tensor & Source Depth Inversion Program (Double-Couple Approximation) Reference Manual. Workshop on Geophysical Data Analysis and Assimilation, 29 October – 3 November 2012, Trieste: ICTP, 2373-Manual, 19 pp. 2011 ▲ Иванова Е.И., Ландер А.В., Токарев А.В., Чеброва А.Ю., Шевченко С.А. Каталог механизмов очагов землетрясений Камчатки и Командорских островов за период 1980–2007 гг. // III научно-техническая конференция Проблемы комплексного геофизического мониторинга Дальнего Востока России. Петропавловск-Камчатский, 2011 г. Сборник докладов. http://emsd.ru/files/konf111009/pdf/sb/index.html Левина В.И., Митюшкина С.В., Ландер А.В., Чеброва А.Ю. Сейсмичность Камчатского региона за 50 лет детальных наблюдений // III научно-техническая конференция Проблемы комплексного геофизического мониторинга Дальнего Востока России. Петропавловск-Камчатский, 2011 г. Сборник докладов. http://emsd.ru/files/konf111009/pdf/sb/index.html Ismail-Zadeh,A. Uderstanding Extreme Seismic Hazards. From Modeling and Prediction to Preventive Disaster Management. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-8, 36 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Computational Geodynamics as a Component of Comprehensive Seismic Hazard Analysis. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-9, 25 pp. Keilis-Borok.V. Extreme Events in Nature and Society: Predictive Understanding: Disaster Preparedness; the Wealth of yet Untapped Possibilities. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-10, 29 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition Methods and Algorithms. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-1, 20 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Prediction of Extreme Events in Socio-economic Systems. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-3, 30 pp. Kossobokov,V. Earthquakes and Their Distribution in Space-Time-Energy Domain. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-19, 81 pp. Kossobokov,V. Multi-Parametric Description of Earthquakes Sequences. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-20, 38 pp. Kossobokov,V. Earthquake Forecast/Prediction Problem and Solutions. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-21, 59 pp. Kossobokov,V. Global and Regional Monitoring Aimed at Earthquake Forecast/Prediction. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-22, 70 pp. Kossobokov,V. Validation of Forecast/Prediction Methods. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-23, 55 pp. Kossobokov,V. Predicting Predictable: Accuracy and Natural Limitations of Seismic Forecasts. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-24, 21 pp. Kossobokov,V. Similarity and Differences of Impulsive Energy Release Processes. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-25, 44 pp. Kossobokov,V. New Approaches to Seismic Hazard Assessment. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-26, 55 pp. Rozenberg,V.L., L.A.Melnikova, and A.A.Soloviev, Spherical Block-and-Fault Model: Basic Principles, Different Modifications and Simulation of Global Seismicity. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-5, 42 pp. Soloviev,A. Application of the Pattern Recognition Techniques to Earthquake-prone Areas Determination. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-2, 13 pp. Soloviev,A. Modelling of Block Structure Dynamics and Seismicity. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-4, 13 pp. Vorobieva,I. Prediction of Subsequent Large Earthquake. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-27, 37 pp. Vorobieva,I. Simulation of Seismicity in the Block-structure Model of Italy and its Surroundings. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-28, 42 pp. Vorobieva,I. Block Structure Modeling of the Largest Earthquakes at the SE Alps and Dinarides Junction. Advanced School on Understanding and Prediction of Earthquakes and Other Extreme Events in Complex Systems, 26 September – 8 October 2011, Trieste: ICTP, 2265-36, 21 pp. 2010 ▲ Bukchin,B. Uncertainty of Moment Tensor Determination in Case of Shallow Earthquake: Existence Condition and Description of Equivalent Double-couples. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology, 22 September - 9 October 2010, Trieste: ICTP, 2167-11, 11 pp. (http://cdsagenda5.ictp.it/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a09169&id=a09169s4t11/lecture_notes) Bukchin,B. Surface Wave Inversion for Determination of Seismic Source Parameters: Theory and Application for a Study of the Main Shock and Aftershocks of the 2010 Chilean Earthquake off-shore Maule. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology, 22 September - 9 October 2010, Trieste: ICTP, 2167-12, 20 pp. (http://cdsagenda5.ictp.it/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a09169&id=a09169s4t11/lecture_notes) Ismail-Zadeh,A.T. Direct and Inverse Problems in Geodynamics. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology, 22 September - 9 October 2010, Trieste: ICTP, 2167-20, 34 pp. (http://cdsagenda5.ictp.it/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a09169&id=a09169s8t9/lecture_notes) Mostinskiy,A., and B.Bukchin, Data Base. Frequency-time Analysis Program. Reference Manual. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology, 22 September - 9 October 2010, Trieste: ICTP, 43 pp. (http://cdsagenda5.ictp.it/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a09169&id=a09169s1t12/Exercises) Mostinskiy,A., and B.Bukchin, Moment Tensor & Source Depth Inversion Program (double-couple approximation). Reference Manual. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology, 22 September - 9 October 2010, Trieste: ICTP, 19 pp. (http://cdsagenda5.ictp.it/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a09169&id=a09169s1t12/Exercises) 2009 ▲ Ismail-Zadeh,A. Inverse Retrospective Problems of Thermal Evolution of the Earth Interior: Numerical Techniques. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-4, 11 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Inverse Retrospective Problems of Thermal Evolution of the Earth Interior: Applications. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-5, 13 pp. Keilis-Borok.V. Predictive Understanding of Extreme Events in Nature and Society. Part 1. State of the Art. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-23, 29 pp. Keilis-Borok.V. Predictive Understanding of Extreme Events in Nature and Society. Part 2. Yet Untapped Possibilities: “the Paradox of Want Amidst Plenty”. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-42, 17 pp. Keilis-Borok.V. Predictive Understanding of Extreme Events in Nature and Society. Part 3. Electoral Change of Governing Party: Presidential and Mid-term Senatorial Elections in USA. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-63, 10 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition Methods and Algorithms. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-1, 20 pp. Kossobokov,V. What Do We Know about Earthquakes and Their Sequences? Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-24, 58 pp. Kossobokov,V. Mesuring Variability of an Earthquakes Sequence. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-25, 35 pp. Kossobokov,V.G. A Practical Approach to Time-Dependent Seismic Risk Assessment. Joint ICTP/IAEA Advanced Workshop on Earthquake Engineering for Nuclear Facilities, 30 November - 4 December 2009, Trieste: ICTP. Molchan,G. Space-Time Earthquake Prediction: The Error Diagrams. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-26, 16 pp. Molchan,G. Fractal/Multifractal Description of Seismicity. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-27, 28 pp. Rozenberg,V.L., L.A.Melnikova, and A.A.Soloviev, Spherical Block-and-Fault Model: Different Modifications and Application to Simulation of Global Seismicity. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-7, 38 pp. Shebalin,P. Premonitory Long-range Activation of Seismicity. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-18, 37 pp. Shebalin,P. Reverse Tracing of Precursors within Earthquake Chains. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-19, 34 pp. Shebalin,P. Early Aftershock Statistics (EAST) Helping to Reveal High-stressed Areas. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-20, 22 pp. Soloviev,A. Application of the Pattern Recognition Techniques to Earthquake-prone Areas Determination. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-2, 13 pp. Soloviev,A. Modelling of Block Structure Dynamics and Seismicity. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-3, 12 pp. Vorobieva,I. Application of Block Structure Modeling to Study Relation Between Geodynamics and Seismicity. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-47, 42 pp. Vorobieva,I. Study of Seismic Regime in the Alps and Dinarides Junction Zone: Block Structure Modeling and Historical Observations. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-48, 35 pp. Vorobieva,I. Prediction of Subsequent Strong Earthquake. Advanced School on Non-linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 28 September – 10 October 2009, Trieste: ICTP, 2060-49, 37 pp. 2008 ▲ Bukchin,B. Parameterization of Seismic Source. Determination of Source Parameters from Seismic Records. Ninth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 22 September - 4 October 2008, Trieste: ICTP, 1965-20, 20 pp. Bukchin,B. Non-uniqueness of Moment Tensor Inversion from Surface Waves in Case of Shallow Source. Ninth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 22 September - 4 October 2008, Trieste: ICTP, 1965-21, 17 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Faults lost in earthquakes prediction and preparedness. http://us.cseptesting.org/WGGMeeting21042008. Molchan,G., and V.Keilis-Borok, Earthquake prediction: Probabilistic aspect. http://us.cseptesting.org/WGGMeeting21042008. Mostinskiy,A., and B.Bukchin, Data Base & Frequency-time Analysis Program. Reference Manual. Ninth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 22 September - 4 October 2008, Trieste: ICTP, Computer Exercises 1, 44 pp. Mostinskiy,A., and B.Bukchin, Moment Tensor & Source Depth Inversion Program (double-couple approximation). Reference Manual. Ninth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 22 September - 4 October 2008, Trieste: ICTP, Computer Exercises 2, 20 pp. Romashkova,L. Algorithm M8S, real-time testing in Italy. http://us.cseptesting.org/WGGMeeting21042008. Shebalin,P. Earthquake prediction algorithms using pattern-recognition methods (invited). http://us.cseptesting.org/WGGMeeting21042008. 2007 ▲ Кособоков В.Г. Прогноз землетрясений: основы, реализация, перспективы // IV ежегодная школа для молодых исследователей, аспирантов и студентов "Будущее прикладной математики". ИПМ им. М.В.Келдыша РАН, 19 ноября 2007, 35 с. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation in Non-linear Earth Sciences. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-12, 21 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A., G.Schubert, I.Tsepelev, and A.Korotkii, Applications of the Data Assimilation Methods in Geodynamics. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-15, 31 pp. Keilis-Borok.V. Prediction of Critical Phenomena: Four Paradigms. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-19, 19 pp. Keilis-Borok.V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition Methods and Algorithms. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-11, 20 pp. Keilis-Borok.V., A.Soloviev, and A.Gabrielov, Universality of Premonitory Phenomena: Transformation of Scaling. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-34, 12 pp. Keilis-Borok.V., and A.Soloviev, Entering Prediction Research: Learning by Doing. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-35, 12 pp. Davis,C., K.Goss, V.Keilis-Borok, G.Molchan, P.Lahr, and C.Plumb, Earthquake Prediction and Tsunami Preparedness. Workshop on the Physics of Tsunami, Hazard Assessment Methods and Disaster Risk Management, 14-18 May 2007, Trieste: ICTP. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Extreme Events: Problems of Predictability and Preparedness in Lieu of Fundamental Equations. Conference and School on Predictability of Natural Disasters for our Planet in Danger. A System View: Theory, Models, Data Analysis, 25 June - 6 July 2007, Trieste: ICTP. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Predictability of Earthquakes. Conference and School on Predictability of Natural Disasters for our Planet in Danger. A System View: Theory, Models, Data Analysis, 25 June - 6 July 2007, Trieste: ICTP. Kossobokov,V.G. Quantitative Earthquake Prediction: Twenty Years of Real-time Application and Testing. Conference and School on Predictability of Natural Disasters for our Planet in Danger. A System View: Theory, Models, Data Analysis, 25 June - 6 July 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1849-10, 28 pp. Kossobokov,V.G., F.Lepreti, and V.Carbone, Similarity and Difference in Sequences of Solar Flares, Earthquakes, and Starquakes. Conference and School on Predictability of Natural Disasters for our Planet in Danger. A System View: Theory, Models, Data Analysis, 25 June - 6 July 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1849-11, 25 pp. Kossobokov,V. What Do We Know about Earthquakes and Their Sequences? Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-21, 56 pp. Kossobokov,V. Mesuring Variability of an Earthquakes Sequence. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-22, 31 pp. Rozenberg,V.L., L.A.Melnikova, and A.A.Soloviev, The Spherical Block Model: Application of Different Modifications to Modeling Dynamics and Seismicity of the Global System of Tectonic Plates. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-20, 37 pp. Shebalin,P. Reverse Tracing of Precursors. Part I. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-37, 16 pp. Shebalin,P. Reverse Tracing of Precursors. Part II. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-38, 25 pp. Shebalin,P. Experiment in Prospective Earthquake Prediction Using Reverse Tracing of Precursors (RTP) Algorithm. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-39, 12 pp. Soloviev,A. Application of the Pattern Recognition Techniques to Earthquake-prone Areas Determination. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-9, 12 pp. Soloviev,A. Modeling of Block Structure Dynamics and Seismicity. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-10, 11 pp. Vorobieva,I. Block Structure Modeling of Seismisity and Geodynamics in Italian Seismoactive Region: Application in Different Space Scale. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-28, 27 pp. Vorobieva,I. Block Structure Modeling of Vrancea: Study of Seismic Regime. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-29, 11 pp. Vorobieva,I. Prediction of a Subsequent Large Earthquake. Ninth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 1 – 13 October, 2007, Trieste: ICTP, 1864-36, 21 pp. 2006 ▲ Bukchin,B. Surface Wave Inversion for Earthquake Source Study: Theory and Application for Sumatra Megaeartquakes Study. Eighth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 September - 7 October 2006, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1775-11, 20 pp. Bukchin,B. Uncertainty of Shallow Source Inversion from Surface Waves. Eighth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 September - 7 October 2006, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1775-12, 12 pp. 2005 ▲ Digas,B., L.Melnikova, V.Rozenberg, and A.Soloviev, Computer Exercises. User’s Guide for Programs EARTH and EARTH-3. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-14, 29 pp. Gorshkov,A. Seismological database – Identification of high potential seismogenic sources. 2nd Workshop on Earthquake Engineering for Nuclear Facilities: Uncertainties in Seismic Hazard, 14-25 February 2005, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1645-4, 33p. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Computational Geodynamics: Problems, Methods, Results and Perspectives. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-36, 25 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Buoyancy-Driven Contemporary Tectonic Stress & Intermediate-Depth Seismicity in Europe. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-37, 30 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Variational Data Assimilation in Dynamics of the Earth’s Mantle: Theory and Applications. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-38, 59 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A., J.-L.Le Mouël, A.Soloviev, P.Tapponnier, and I.Vorobieva, Modeling of Block-and-Fault System Dynamics and Seismicity: Description of the Model and Application to the Tibet-Himalayan Region. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-4, 28 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Paradigms in Prediction of Critical Phenomena. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-1, 14 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Socio-Economic Predictions. Part I. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-18, 21 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Socio-Economic Predictions. Part II. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-19, 4 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Fault Network in Earthquake Prediction. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-24, 13 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and K.C.Goss, Disaster Prediction and Preparedness. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-31, 18 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition: Algorithms and Applications to Problems Related to Earthquake Prediction. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-2, 33 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Socio-Economic Predictions. Unemployment (FAU). Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-18/a, 6 pp. Kossobokov,V. Basic Properties of Earthquakes and Their Sequences. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-22, 62 pp. Kossobokov,V. Characterizing Temporal Variability of an Earthquakes Sequence. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-25, 31 pp. Kossobokov,V. Earthquake Prediction: Algorithms. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-44, 46 pp. Kossobokov,V. Earthquake Prediction: Verification Problem. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-45, 28 pp. Kossobokov,V. Manual of M8 Program and Exercise. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-46, 33 pp. Kossobokov,V. Earthquake Prediction: Accuracy and Limitations. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-51, 33 pp. Kossobokov,V. Real-time Prediction of Earthquakes: State-of-the-art and Perspectives. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-52, 27 pp. Kuznetsov,I. Computer Exercises. User’s Guide for Program HIST. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-12, 8 pp. Molchan,G. Unified Laws in Seismicity: Existence and Optimal Spatial Scaling. Part I. Interevent Time Distribution in Seismicity: A Theoretical Approach. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-29, 8 pp. Molchan,G. Unified Laws in Seismicity: Existence and Optimal Spatial Scaling. Part II. On the Spatial Scaling of Seismicity Rate. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-30, 6 pp. Molchan,G. Unified Laws in Seismicity (copies of transparencies). Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-47, 38 pp. Peresan,A., I.Vorobieva, A.Soloviev, and G.F.Panza Block Structure Modeling of Dynamics and Seismicity for the Italian Area and Surroundings. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-32, 44 pp. Rotwain,I. Computer Exercises. User’s Guide for Programs EDCAT, CATAL, and AFT. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-11, 12 pp. Rozenberg,V.L., L.A.Melnikova, A.A.Soloviev, and P.O.Sobolev, The Spherical Block Model: (i) Different Modifications; (ii) Simulation of Dynamics and Seismicity of the Global System of Tectonic Plates. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-5, 35 pp. Shebalin,P. Rise of Seismicity Correlation Range Before Large Events Displayed by Earthquake Chains. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-39, 36 pp. Shebalin,P. Test in Months-in-Advance Earthquake Prediction by RTP Algorithm. Estimating False Alarm and Random Success Probabilities. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-40, 41 pp. Soloviev,A. Computer Exercises. User’s Guide for Program FUNC. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-10, 9 pp. Soloviev,A. Computer Exercises. User’s Guide for Programs CODM and PRAL. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-13, 22 pp. Vorobieva,I. Prediction of the Subsequent Large Earthquake. I. Algorithms. II. Results of Monitoring. Eighth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 3 – 15 October, 2005, Trieste: ICTP, SMR.1676-23, 37 pp. 2004 ▲ Bukchin,B.G. Surface Wave Inversion for Source Parameters. Surface Wave Focusing. Seventh Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 October - 5 November 2004, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1586-8, 33 pp. Mostinski, Alexandre Z., Alexei A. Egorkin, and, Boris G. Bukchin, Surface Waves Floating Filtering (Reference Manual). Seventh Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 October - 5 November 2004, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1586, Computer exercises I, 44 pp. Mostinski, Alexandre Z., and, Boris G. Bukchin, Determination of Moment Tensor and Source Depth by Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Amplitude Spectra and First Arrival Polarities (Reference Manual). Seventh Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 October - 5 November 2004, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1586, Computer exercises 2, 19 pp. 2003 ▲ Ismail-Zadeh,A. On the Forward and Backward Modeling of Mantle Dynamics. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-1, 45 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Stress & Seismicity in Areas of Relic Descending Lithospheric Slabs: The South Eastern Carpathians. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-4, 62 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A. Stress & Seismicity in Areas of Relic Descending Lithospheric Slabs: The Central Apennines. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-5, 18 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Fundamentals of Earthquake Prediction. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-7, 37 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Prediction of Crime Surges. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-8, 20 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Short-term Earthquake Prediction: “Tail Wags the Dog” Approach. Part I. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-33, 19 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Short-term Earthquake Prediction: “Tail Wags the Dog” Approach. Part II. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-34, 15 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Short-term Earthquake Prediction: “Tail Wags the Dog” Approach. Part III. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-35, 51 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I., and A.A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition Methods and their Applications to Geophysical Problems. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-9, 33 pp. Kossobokov,V. What Can We Learn from a Catalog of Earthquakes? Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-32, 39 pp. Kossobokov,V. A Practical Approach to Prediction of Geomagnetic Series. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-40, 28 pp. Kossobokov,V. Testing Earthquake Prediction Methods: Verified "Precursors" and Verisimilar "Prejudices". Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-44, 29 pp. Kossobokov,V. Real-Time Earthquake Prediction in Two Approximations. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-50, 44 pp. Kossobokov,V., and O.Novikova, Integrals Over Seismic Sequences. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-37, 16 pp. Persan,A., I.Vorobieva, A.Soloviev, and G.Panza, Modelling of Block Structure Dynamics and Seismicity for Italian Area. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-42, 38 pp. Rozenberg,V.L., L.A.Melnikova, A.A.Soloviev, and P.O.Sobolev, The Spherical Block Model: Dynamics of the Global System of Tectonic Plates and Seismicity. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-21, 34 pp. Soloviev,A., and I.Vorobieva, Models of Dynamics of Block-and-fault Systems. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-11, 26 pp. Vorobieva,I. Prediction of a Subsequent Large Earthquake. Seventh Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 29 September - 11 October 2003, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1519-43, 43 pp. 2002 ▲ Bukchin,B.G. Surface Wave Inversion for Seismic Source Study and Effects Related to Lateral Inhomogeneity of the Earth. Sixth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 30 September - 12 October 2002, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1429-9, 31 pp. Bukchin, Boris G., Alexei A. Egorkin, and Alexandre Z. Mostinski, Surface Waves Processing & Seismic Source Inversion (Reference Manual). Sixth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 30 September - 12 October 2002, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1429, 54 pp. 2001 ▲ Digas,B.V., L.A.Melnikova, V.L.Rozenberg, P.O.Sobolev, and A.A.Soloviev, Numerical Simulation of Dynamics of Tectonic Plates: Spherical Block Model. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-4, 25 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A.T. Numerical Modeling in Problems of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Part 1. How Dynamics of the Lithosphere can be Modeled? Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-5, 28 pp. Ismail-Zadeh,A.T. Numerical Modeling in Problems of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Part 2. Modeling of Descending Lithospheric Slab: Induced Mantle Flow and Stress. Block-and-Fault Dynamics of the Lithosphere Beneath the Vrancea Region: Effect of Slab Descending. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-6, 34 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I., A.A.Soloviev, C.B.Allègre, A.N.Sobolevskii, and M.D.Intriligator, Dynamics of Macroeconomic Indicators before the Rize of Unemployment in Western Europe and the USA. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-11, 36 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I., and A.A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition: Algorithms and Applications to Geophysical Problems. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-12, 34 pp. Soloviev,A., Model of Block Structure Dynamics and its Application to Study Lithosphere Block Dynamics and Seismicity. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-3, 29 pp. Vorobieva,I.A., Prediction of a Subsequent Large Earthquake. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-26, 21 pp. Zaliapin,I., V.Keilis-Borok, and M.Ghil, A Boolean Delay Equation Model of Colliding Cascades. Part I: Multiple Seismic Regimes. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-1, 54 pp. Zaliapin,I., V.Keilis-Borok, and M.Ghil, A Boolean Delay Equation Model of Colliding Cascades. Part II: Predictions of Critical Transitions. Sixth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 15 - 27 October 2001, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1330-2, 60 pp. 2000 ▲ Bukchin,B.G. Seismic Wave Inversion for Earthquake Source and Nuclear Explosions Study. Fifth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modelling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 September - 6 October 2000, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1241-5, 36 pp. Bukchin,B.G., A.G.Egorkin, and A.Z.Mostinski, Data Base. Frequency-time Analysis Program. Moment Tensor & Source Depth Inversion Program. Reference Manual. Fifth Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modelling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion, 25 September - 6 October 2000, Trieste: ICTP, Exercises: 1, 49 pp. 1999 ▲ Digas,B.V., V.L.Rozenberg, P.O.Sobolev, and A.A.Soloviev, Spherical Model of Block Structure Dynamics. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-5, 20 pp. Gabrielov,A., V.Keilis-Borok, I.Zaliapin, and W.Newman, Critical Transitions in Colliding Cascades. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-28, 26 pp. Gabrielov,A.M., V.I.Keilis-Borok, I.V.Zaliapin, and W.I.Newman, Colliding Cascades as a Model for Earthquake Prediction. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-29, 16 pp. Gabrielov,A., and A.Soloviev, Modelling of Block Structure Dynamics. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-2, 19 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition: Algorithms and Applications. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-6, 33 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., J.H.Stock, A.Soloviev, and P.Mikhalev, Pre-recession Pattern of Six Economic Indicators in the USA. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-17, 15 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Disasters Generated in Solid Earth: Theory; Prediction; Damage Control; Implications to Other Disasters. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-25, 9 pp. Kossobokov,V.G. Catalogs of Earthquakes. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-11, 22 pp. Kossobokov,V. Earthquake Prediction Algorithms. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-18, 46 pp. Molchan,G. Some statistical Problems in Earthquake Prediction and Seismicity. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-10, 62 pp. Rotwain,I., and O.Novikova, Functions on Catalogs: Measures of Activirty, Clustering etc. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-1, 10 pp. Soloviev,A., D.V.Rundquist, V.V.Rozhkova, and G.L.Vladova, Application of Block Models to Study of Seismicity of Arc Subduction Zones. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-3, 31 pp. Soloviev,A., and I.Vorobieva, Long-range Interaction between Synthetic Earthquakes in the Model of Block Structure Dynamics. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-4, 18 pp. Vorobieva,I.A. Prediction of a Subsequent Large Earthquake. Fifth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 4 - 22 October 1999, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1150-30, 20 pp. 1998 ▲ Bukchin,B., and A.Mostinsky, Study of Explosive Seismic Source by Joint Inversion of Surface Wave Spectra and Signs of the First Motion. Fourth Workshop on Three-dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves & Their Inversion, 28 September - 9 October 1998, Trieste: ICTP, SMR:1059/9, 10 pp. Bukchin,B., and A.Mostinsky, Moment Tensor & Source Depth Inversion Program. Fourth Workshop on Three-dimensional Modeling of Seismic Waves & Their Inversion, 28 September - 9 October 1998, Trieste: ICTP, SMR:1059/12, 19 pp. 1997 ▲ Digas, B., L.Melnikova, V.Rozenberg, and A.Soloviev, Programs EARTH and EARTH-3. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-6, 28 pp. Gabrielov,A., and A.Soloviev, Modelling of Block Structure Dynamics. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-1, 19 pp. Gorshkov,A.I., G.F.Panza, I.M.Rotwain, A.A.Soloviev, and I.A.Vorobieva, Applications of Block Models to Study of Seismicity. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-2, 49 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I., and I.Primakov, Earthquake Prediction and Earthquake Preparedness: The Possibilities to Reduce the Damage from Earthquakes. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-11, 30 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition and its Application to Geophysical Problems. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-22, 33 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I., E.M.Blanter, B.G.Bukchin, A.T.Ismail-Zadeh, A.V.Kiryushin, A.V.Lander, A.A.Lyubushin, I.Primakov, V.F.Pisarenko, M.G.Shnirman, A.A.Soloviev, Models of Dynamics of Seismicity. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-28, 49 pp. Kossobokov,V.G. Catalogs of Earthquakes. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-4, 9 pp. Rotwain,I., and O.Novikova, Performance of the Earthquake Prediction Algorithm CN in 21 Regions of the World. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-21, 19 pp. Rozenberg,V., and A.Soloviev, Considering 3D Movements of Blocks in the Model of Block Structure Dynamics. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-3, 27 pp. Vorobieva,I.A. Prediction of a Next Large Earthquake. Fourth Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 24 October 1997, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/1011-29, 16 pp. 1996 ▲ Bukchin,B.G., A.V.Lander, A.Z.Mostinsky, and V.I.Maksimov, Seismic Source Study by Analysis of Body Wave Spectra. Third Workshop on Three-dimensional Modelling of Seismic Wave Generation, Propagation and Their Inversion, 4-15 November 1996, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/942-14, 10 pp. Bukchin,B.G., and A.V.Kiryushin, Joint analysis of surface and body waves broad band records for seismic spurce study. Third Workshop on Three-dimensional Modelling of Seismic Wave Generation, Propagation and Their Inversion, 4-15 November 1996, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/942-15, ??? pp. 1995 ▲ Gregori,D., A.Gorshkov, T.Kronrod, and G.Molchan, Estudio de riesgo sismico en la republica Argentina. VII Curso International Sobre Microzonification y su Aplicacion al Planneeamiento Urbano para la Mitigation de Desasters; Oct. 16 - Nov. 10 de 1995, Lima, Peru, 12 pp. (in Spanish). Gabrielov,A., and A.Soloviev, Numerical Simulation of Block Structure Dynamics. I. Description of the Model. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-1, 23 pp. Garianova,T. Software for Analysis of Dynamics of Seismicity. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-12, 13 pp. Gasilov,V., V.Maksimov, V.Kossobokov, A.Prozorov, and A.Soloviev, Numerical Simulation of Block Structure Dynamics. II. Examples. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-3, 48 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Intermediate-Term Earthquake Prediction. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-4, 42 pp. Keilis-Borok,V. Non-Seismological Fields in Earthquake Prediction. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-5, 16 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-2, 32 pp. Kossobokov,V.G. Analysis of Earthquake Catalogs. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-10, 10 pp. Kossobokov,V.G., and P.N.Shebalin, Comment on "Catalog Errors and the M8 Earthquake Prediction Algorithms" by Ray E.Habermann and Fred Creamer. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-11, 20 pp. Kuznetsov,I., and V.Keilis-Borok, Integrated Data Bases for Seismic Reduction. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-21, 19 pp. Rotwain,I., and O.Novikova, Functions on Earthquake Flow. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-9, 9 pp. Rozenberg,V., and A.Soloviev, Program EARTH. Third Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 6 - 17 November 1995, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/879-13, 26 pp. 1994 ▲ Bukchin,B.G. A Comparative Study of Source Processes by Surface Waves Inversion and Analysis of Aftershock Data. Second Workshop on Three-dimensional Modelling of Seismic Wave Generation, Propagation and Their Inversion, 7 - 18 November 1994, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/782-9, 32 pp. 1993 ▲ Costa,G., G.F.Panza, and I.Rotwain, Time of Icreased Probability for Earthquakes with M ³ 5.6 in Central Italy. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-27, 8 pp. Costa,G., G.F.Panza, and I.Rotwain, Stability of Premonitory Seismicity Pattern in Italy and Feasibility of Intermediate-Term Earthquake Prediction. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-28, 28 pp. Gabrielov,A.M. Modeling of Seismicity. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-18, 22 pp. Gabrielov,A., and A.Soloviev, Numerical Simulation of Block Structure Dynamics. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-6, 30 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Symptoms of Instability in a System of Earthquake-Prone Faults. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-24, 39 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I. Active Lineaments and Dynamics of seismicity. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-25, 31 pp. Keilis-Borok,V.I., and G.M.Molchan, Seismic Risk and Seismic Hazard: Introduction to Concept and Methodology. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-26, 34 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-7, 32 pp. Kossobokov,V.G., and J.H.Healy, Changes of Seismicity in the Western United States Preceding the Landers Earthquake on June 28, 1992: Case History and Current State of the M8 Predictions. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-16, 12 pp. Molchan,G.M. Goals and Optimal Decisions in Earthquake Prediction. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-17, 16 pp. Panza,G.F., I.Orozova-Stanishkova, G.Costa, F.Vaccari, and I.Rotwain, Intermediate-term Earthquake Prediction and Seismic Zoning in Northern Italy. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-30, 16 pp. Rotwain,I. Analysis of Earthquake Catalogs. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-9, 22 pp. Rotwain,I. Functions on Earthquake Flow. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-10, 11 pp. Soloviev,A. Magnetic Field Generation due to the Helical Flow of an Electrically Conducting Fluid. Second Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 22 November - 10 December 1993, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/709-8, 103 pp. 1992 ▲ Bukchin,B.G. Determination of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of a Seismic Source from Surface Waves Amplitude Spectra. Workshop on Three-dimensional Modelling of Seismic Wave Generation, Propagation and Their Inversion, 30 November - 11 December 1992, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/650-6, 17 pp. Kiryushin,A.V. Regional Stress Parameters Reconstruction from Seismological Observations. Workshop on Three-dimensional Modelling of Seismic Wave Generation, Propagation and Their Inversion, 30 November - 11 December 1992, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/650-7, 11 pp. Shapiro,N.M. Frequency-Time Analysis of Surface Waves. Workshop on Three-dimensional Modelling of Seismic Wave Generation, Propagation and Their Inversion, 30 November - 11 December 1992, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/650-8, 29 pp. 1991 ▲ Keilis-Borok,V.I. Earthquake Prediction: The New Deal. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-12, 13 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Introductory Lecture. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-2, 10 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition. General Description. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-5, 12 pp. Keilis-Borok,V., and A.Soloviev, Pattern Recognition in Earthquake Prediction. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-6, 14 pp. Vorobieva,I.A., and T.A.Levshina, Prediction of the Second Strong Earthquake by Analysis of the Aftershocks Sequence. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-9, 14 pp. Rotwain,I.M. Analysis of Earthquake Catalogs. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-3, 20 pp. Rotwain,I.M. Function on Earthquake Flow. Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-4, 20 pp. Rotwain,I.M. Intermediate-Term Earthquake Prediction (algorithm CN). Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, 25 November - 13 December 1991, Trieste: ICTP-ICS, H4.SMR/583-11, 20 pp. 1990 ▲ Bukchin,B.G. Formal Description of a Seismic Source. Workshop on Earthquake Sources & Regional Lithospheric Structures from Seismic Wave Data, 19 - 30 November 1990, Trieste: ICTP, H4.SMR/480-11, 22 pp. |