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Compilation Catalog Program

8.1 Managing Projects.

When using CompiCat on routine basis the user may wish repeating the same or similar sequences of tasks. This is of special importance when reproducing the results of compilation achieved in the past.CompiCat allows the user to create project files that specify sequences of operations performed with seismic catalogs. This could be done with the project wizard, which invokes when the user opens either New project or an existing project for editing ( Edit project ). The project wizard allows the user to define a project file as a sequence of catalog operations for implementation in the future. Any single sequence may include the following tasks in any order although without a repetition:
Note that tasks 1. Check specified ranges and 7. Compare catalogs define a single sequence by themselves and could not be combined in one project with tasks 2-6.

The following buttons and menu entries (ordered as they appear on the upper Tool bar) facilitate managing of the projects:

 generates a new project (optional entries Menu item Project->New Project or keyboard shortcut Shift+N)
 opens an existing project(optional entries Menu item Project->Open Project or keyboard shortcut Shift+O).
 edits an opened project  (optional entries Menu item Project->Edit Project or keyboard shortcut Shift+E).
 executes the project task list (optional entries Menu item Project->Execute Project or keyboard shortcut Shift+P).
 saves the project file to disk (optional entries Menu item Project->Save Project or keyboard shortcut Shift+S).
 saves the project file under a new name (optional entries Menu item Project->Save Project As ...).
 closes the project without saving (optional entries Menu item Project->Close project or keyboard shortcut Shift+L).

Menu item Project->Open Recent lists the most recent project files, which could beloaded easily.

The project file names have extension '.pro'  as a CompiCat standard added automatically when you save project files.
In case, some of the catalogs listed in the project files are not found, the user is given automatically an opportunity to fix the problem (see 8.3 Repairing Project).

Compilation Catalog Program

Copyright ©  2008 MITPAN
ECP 1.3.0